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بيش از 3000 كتاب الكترونيك(تبلیغات)

بيش از 3000 كتاب الكترونيك
قیمت: 5000 تومان
مجموعه كتابهاي الكترونيك با بيش از 3000 عنوان كتاب در موضوعات و دسته بندي‌هاي مختلف در قالب فايلهاي PDF و Word تمامي پوشه‌ها، دسته بنديها و كتابها به صورت فارسي نامگذاري شدند كه جستجو را بسيار آسان مي نمايد
برخي از عناوين و دسته بندي‌ها به عنوان نمونه: روانشناسي: •مجموعه مجلات ويستا - بخش موفقيت •اسرار موفقيت •الماسهاي آگاهي •آنچه نداريد به دست آوريد •تقويت قوه تخيل •ثروت •خلاقيت •راز موفقيت •راه به سوي خوشبختي •روابط خوب انسانها •زن و خشونت •فالون گنگ •مردان و زنان زميني •نكته هاي كوچك زندگي •... مذهبي: •احاديث •دعاها •صحيفه سجاديه •قرآن (با ترجمه، متن عربي، تفاسير مختلف و ...) •مفاتيح •ميزان‌الحكم •نهج‌البلاغه •استاد مطهري •آقاي قرائتي •آقاي بهجت •آقاي طباطبائي •آقاي مكارم شيرازي •آقاي حسن زاده آملي •...
برخی از ویژگیها
1) كتاب ها در فايلهاي متني قابل ويرايش  
2) كل قرآن و ترجمه و تفسير به صورت فايلهاي Word , PDF  
3) احاديث، شعر، ادبيات، روانشناسي، سياست، اقتصاد، اجتماعي و ...  
4) تمامي فايلها و پوشه ها به صورت كاملا فارسي نامگذاري شده اند  
5) عناوين و دسته بندي‌ها مختلف و گوناگون

برای سفارش بيش از 3000 كتاب الكترونيك اینجا را کلیک کنید.

MOHAMMAD بازدید : 597 یکشنبه 11 دی 1390 نظرات (0)

August 2008—New optical materials that bend light in unusual ways could lead to much tinier transistors, microscopes that are able to peer at smaller cellular structures, and—with a good deal of engineering—even invisibility cloaks.Two new types of metamaterials, as the light-bending stuff is known, were developed by researchers at the Nano-Scale Science and Engineering Center at the University of California, Berkeley, and described in separate papers in Nature and Science . One is the first three-dimensional material to have a negative index of refraction, which allows it to bend light in the opposite direction of what you would expect from any other material. The other, also 3-D, doesn’t have a negative index but still provides some negative refraction, and unlike previous metamaterials, it does so in the visible part of the spectrum.Natural materials have a positive index of refraction, which is a measure of how much they can bend a beam of light passing through them. Stick a pole into a swimming pool, and the portion below the surface appears to jut off at an angle, because of the difference between the indices of refraction of air and water. If the water had a negative index of refraction, the part of the pole below the surface would appear to be above the water.An index of refraction has an electrical component (permittivity) and a magnetic component (permeability). Building a metamaterial with a structure having features substantially smaller than the wavelengths of light it’s meant to refract causes resonance between the atoms in the material and the photons. This reverses the permittivity and the permeability, making the refractive index negative.This property of metamaterials opens the door to whole new ways of manipulating light. For instance, in cases when a normal lens cannot resolve anything smaller than half a wavelength of light, metamaterials could make a superlens that could resolve below this so-called diffraction limit. That could open up new possibilities in biomedical imaging, allowing scientists to look at the proteins inside cells. It would also allow the photolithography equipment used to make computer chips to build even smaller features than are currently possible without having to find


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  • فراموشی رمز عبور؟
  • آمار سایت
  • کل مطالب : 209
  • کل نظرات : 68
  • افراد آنلاین : 31
  • تعداد اعضا : 7013
  • آی پی امروز : 159
  • آی پی دیروز : 70
  • بازدید امروز : 187
  • باردید دیروز : 82
  • گوگل امروز : 5
  • گوگل دیروز : 3
  • بازدید هفته : 1,154
  • بازدید ماه : 1,154
  • بازدید سال : 60,961
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